beta 29th January - problems with Midicon Pro

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beta 29th January - problems with Midicon Pro

Post by MarLei »


i was trying the latest beta version from 29th January and had some problems in combination with the Elation Midicon Pro:

1. Case
During live test run the software reacted very idle, most midi events had an delay. After a few hours the software crashed, see reports in attachement. Maybe the crash is an GUI issue, because before this, is was minimizing the application windows and after maximizing it hungs. This issue was not reprudceable until now for me
2. Case
In long term test i am running a show with some dmx output, but i don't make any user actions. After a few hours the Midicon isn't sending any more events to the Sunlite software, feedback control to the Midicon work's fine, so if I start for example an switch in the application window, the connected lamp at Midicon is going on. After a reastart of the Midicon (during the Sunlite software is running), it works fine again. This issue is reproduceable, are there any logs for this case to activate?
I have found some logs in the Windows Event Viewer, see attachement.

Best regards
Windows Event Viewer
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Crash in live test
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